As almost
two years ago, IRCAM announces a call for its "music doctorate".
to 2014, the call is now issued in English as well as in French. (In the French version it says "from September 2015 onwards", but that is most
likely a mistake due to the almost word for word copying of the previous call.)
New also: the preliminary selection, the fact that there is no mentioning
of a maximum number of contracts to be awarded (nor whether there will be
contracts, i.e. paid positions), and two additional categories of possible topics.
is the vague position IRCAM takes in the ongoing debate on research and/through/as composition. It purports its program to be "distinct from a doctorate in
musicology", but only the importance of the candidates being "high-level
composers" (however that will be assessed) and of a technological dimension of the proposed research project is stressed.
We are
curious to learn of the current IRCAM doctorandi.