Thursday, June 01, 2023

The PD: more specifics on the pilot


As of May 30th, the first 11 candidates for the Dutch project of the Professional Doctorate have been approved for funding - see here. This is stated to mean that they can effectively start from today, June 1 2023, onwards. (See a previous post about the PD for background details.)

The financing is assured by “Regieorgaan SIA”, the part of the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NOW) that
specifically funds practice-oriented research. (More on this Regieorgaan on here.) This is funding for just the pilot, so not to be confused with the longer-term future of this programme, for which both financial support and the degree status need to be sorted by the government.

Of the 11 candidates that are now starting, 8 are situated in the domain of “Arts + Creative”, and 3 in “Health & Well-being: 

Risk Hazekamp (Avans Hogeschool)

Unlearning Photography: Listening to Cyanobacteria

Emily Huurdeman (Fontys Hogescholen)

Essaying as (Collective) Performative Practice

Phillippine Hoegen (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht)

Performing working

Augustin Martinez Caram (Hanzehogeschool Groningen)

Lifestyle and Digital Sovereignty. A new media arts approach to collective technological empowerment for holistic care

Chinouk Filique de Miranda (ArtEZ University of the ArtsDigitised)

Practices in the Margins; Reimagining Fashion’s Virtual Interface

Soemitro Poerbodipoero (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)

To contribute in an innovative and sustainable way to participation, well-being, and self-management of positive health of seniors living at home

Sarah Ros-Philipsen (Saxion)

Lifestyle interventions: from an individual approach to integrated collaboration 

Stefan Schäfer (Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten)

Breaking Apart Together: Performing speculative design with dying mountains and glaciers

Chico Taguba (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)

Towards a better connection: How do young residency permit holders with psychological and addiction problems find their way to assistance?

Reinaart Vanhoe (Hogeschool Rotterdam)

Learning from ruangrupa & documenta fifteen

Nadja van der Weide (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)

The art of mediated dialogue - The role of ownership, technology and participation in facilitating dialogue in local communities

It is always refreshing to read about projects brought to the table by young researchers. To boot: the variety of practice-oriented topics and approaches outside of music is striking and can be inspiring. As noted before, and despite 8 PD-candidates active in the domain of "Arts + Creative", none of the participants in this pilot are musicians. The organisers of the PD are the Duch “Hogescholen”, i.e. the institutions offering higher education outside of the universities, so not limited to conservatoires. For the period of 2023-2029, the PD pilot will be tested in 7 domains: Energy & Durability, Health & Wellbeing, Art + Creative, Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality, Maritime, Education (Learning and Professionalisation), and Technique & Digitalisation. For sure, although perhaps depending on the continuation of funding, a new batch of PD candidates will enter the program in the future, possibly including musicians.

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